Rock Climbing in Costa Rica
Costa Rica is one of the world's young’s climbing Countries. Climbing was introduced to Costa Rica about 15 years ago and is growing every day. Climbers in Costa Rica can enjoy the multiple gyms and the outdoor areas that are being discovered every day. Costa Rica has a variety of challenges for climbers to seek out. Costa Rica is not just a climber's playground, its gym and natural walls and cracks are an integral part of a larger ecosystem, protected as Wilderness, which was set aside for people to enjoy in a natural state for generations to come.
Escalada Cachí
Escalada is one of the best places to rock climb outdoors on a wall that is 100% natural with 39 different routes divided by level of difficulty. Escalada Cachi offers all the equipment that you need for rock climbing.
For more information: Contact us
Pura Roca

Climbing is a sport that guarantees exercise and fitness of an athlete. We offer workouts designed to cover all facets of the sport, personalized to each climber. We have artificial walls equipped with grips that simulate natural rock and the most advanced security equipment. Schedule Monday – Friday 1 to 10pm, Saturdays and Sunday 10am to 4 pm Location: San Pedro, Montes de Oca in front for Munoz y Nanne.
Website: Click here
For more information: Contact us